High power programmable DC power supply type

2024-01-17 18:47

When the internal resistance of a power supply is negligible, the potential of the power supply can be considered almost equal to the potential difference or voltage between the poles of the power supply.

In order to obtain a higher DC voltage, high-power programmable DC power supplies often use DC power supplies in series. At this point, the total potential is the sum of the potentials of each power supply, and the total internal resistance is also the sum of the resistances of each power supply. Due to the increase in internal resistance, high power programmable DC power supplies can usually only be used in circuits where the required current intensity is small. In order to obtain a higher current intensity, DC power supplies of equal potential can be used in parallel. At this point, the total potential is that of a single power supply, and the total internal resistance is the parallel value of the resistance of each power supply.

There are many types of DC power supplies. In different types of DC power supplies, non-electrostatic power supplies have different properties and different energy conversion processes. In chemical cells (e.g., dry cells, batteries, etc.), non-electrostatic is the chemical action associated with the process of ion dissolution and deposition. When a chemical cell discharges, the chemical energy is converted into electrical energy and Joule heat. In temperature difference power sources (e.g., metal temperature difference couplings, semiconductor temperature difference couplings), non-static electricity is diffusion associated with temperature differences and electron concentration differences. When a temperature-difference power supply provides power to an external circuit, the thermal energy is partially converted to electrical energy. In a DC generator, the non-static is electromagnetic induction. When a DC generator supplies power, mechanical energy is converted to electrical energy and Joule heat. In a photovoltaic cell, the non-electrostatic is the photovoltaic effect. When a photovoltaic cell is powered, light energy is converted to electrical energy and Joule heat.

DC power supplies

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